Unstoppable art-work has began!!! “Fast” – it’s slow but without pauses… So non-stop art-work is the answer for question how to do more and more unbealivable art!
Here you can watch the news of our creativity and the latest information about us.
Let see what have been done in 2016:
Winter of 2016 was full of revelations begotten in hard art-work! Two significant works show the step between simple applique and modern multilayered applique are “Gagarin” and “Girl with a pilow”. Experience of artwork on that pictures formed the basis for completely layered applique when each layer corresponds to that details on the object of art and now details in pictures appears as deeper as they are appears on the object or face.
Let see what have been done in 2016:
First of all we have to remember “Tyrael”. Art-work was started in the end of 2015 and finished in the begining of 2016. Also “Tyrael” is the first serious art-work, so it is the flagship of the new begining in multilayered aplique and the symbol of the first personal exhibition “The first time of #PERVEE”.
Art-work on picture “Kratos, god of war” continues. Blades of Chaos – the gift and the curse – ready for battle.
Art-work on picture “Kratos, god of war” started. Hero of alternative greek myphology appears in my art again.
Here is the first picture – “Kratos, eyes of wraith”
“Bear and snow” is done. Picture got more volume with frame like big box. So bear now have a “lair”.
“Shaman of Kulay” is done.
All of symbols except used on dress, armor and axe were used in Kulay civilisation lived long time ago on territory of Siberia.
Begining of art-work on picture “Bear and snow“.
It will be presented on “The second bear festival” in “Museum of slavic mythology” in Tomsk city 15 december 2016.
You can visit the festival till 15 january 2017. (See more about festival here..)